' Past Tense Vs Present perfect Tense '
Simple Past Tense
Gunakan Simple Past Tense untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi dan berakhir/selesai dilakukan di waktu lampau pada waktu tertentu.
Seperti pada contoh diatas “I lost my key last week” , adverb last week membantu menjelaskan bahwa kejadian tersebut terjadi pada waktu tertentu.
Simple Past berorinetasi pasa kejadian/situasi nya.
Pola kalimatnya:
Subjet + Past Form (Verb 2) + Complement
Penanda waktu yang umum untuk Simple Past Tense: last night, last year, yesterday, today, ago, first, then, later, when
Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan sudah/ telah. Terjadi pada waktu lampau, yang membedakan, present perfect menekankan pada hasil/efek dari sesuatu yang telah terjadi pada masa lampau.
Penggunaan umum Present Perfect Tense:
1. Menyatakan kejadian atau tindakan yang berulang.
Ketika suatu tindakan terjadi lebih dari satu kali di masa lalu, gunakan
contoh: I have seen this movie three times.
2. Umumnya digunakan dengan kata for dan since
- for diikuti a duration of time (durasi waktu) seperti for 5 years, for 3 weeks, etc
- since diikuti a particular time (waktu tertentu) seperti since I was child, since I came here etc.
Contoh: I have studied English for six semesters.
3. Digunakan dengan negative adverb “never”
Contoh: I have never been to Paris. bukan I did never go to Paris.
4. Ketika menggunakan pola kalimat tanya Present Perfect dengan ever
Contoh: Have you ever won the lottery?
Pola Kalimat Present Perfect Tense
Subjek + have + past participle (verb 3) untuk subjek I, you, they, we
Subjek + has + past participle (verb 3) untuk subjek he, she, it
Penanda (adverb) yang umum digunakan pada Present Perfect Tense: before, after, already, yet, for, since, recently, still, time
Nah, pasti teman-teman sudah paham kan masing-masing penggunaan dari dua tenses diatas? Sekarang uji pemahaman kalian dengan mengerjakan exercise di bawah ini.
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Muhamad Sulthan Dhia_X MIPA 4
BalasHapusLevi Dianto matondang X MIPA 7
BalasHapusThankyou for the material maam
BalasHapusNafisa Dinar XMipa7
Thank you maam for the material
BalasHapus-salman s.a (x mipa 6)
Thankyou for the material maam Aurellya cristoval X MIPA 7
BalasHapusThankyou maam for the material
BalasHapusZayyin A_X Mipa 6
thank you for the material ma'am 🙏🏻
BalasHapusMutia Salsabilla J X Mipa 7
thank u maam❤️
BalasHapustastbita naura brilliany
X mipa 6
Thank you for the material maam
BalasHapus• Tiara Citra (X Mipa 6)
The material is very helpful, thankyou ma'am
BalasHapusIrghi Satya Priangga (X SCIENCE 1)
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusGina Amalia class X Science 6
thank you for the material maam
BalasHapusChelsea Ramadhani X Mipa 7
Thank you for the material maam
BalasHapusRafif mustawan xmipa 2
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusArvel Hafiza AY X MIPA 2
Thank you for the material ma'am it's very easy to understand and very helpfully
BalasHapusAlayya Mumtaza Wahidatunisa (02- X MIPA 1)
Thank you ma'am
BalasHapusTsania Fitrianisa G_X MIPA-2
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BalasHapusRichie Blessing Trisnajaya X MIPA 2
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusThania Rosalie X mipa 8
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusTiar RW X MIPA-2
thank you fir the material ma'am 🙏🏻 Mesya Shapa X SCIENCE 2
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusAnggitha Safitri Xscience 6
Thank you for the material ma'am Putri Nur Syiam X MIPA 2
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusResti CN X Mipa 8
thank you for the material ma’am 🙏
BalasHapus-Novia Kartika, X Science 8
thanks for the material, ma'am 🙏🏻
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BalasHapusThank for the material,ma'am
BalasHapusSri azkia utami,X MIPA 6
thank you for the material ma'am 🙏🏻 Alsa Annisa X SCIENCE 2
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma'am🙏
BalasHapusGia Zesika X SCIENCE 2
Thank you for the material ma'am🙏🏻
BalasHapusthank you ma'am for the learning material 🙏🙏
BalasHapusName: Gelar
Class : X science 3
Thank you for the material maam
BalasHapus~ Fadhil Ahmad Hp ( X Mipa 6 )
Than you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusNajwa N - X MIPA 6
thank you for the material ma’am
BalasHapusthank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapus- karina (x mipa 3)
Thank you for the material, Mrs. Rina.🙏🏻
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma'am, i have understood the topic.
BalasHapusHisyam MA from X MIPA 2
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusMuhammad Akbar D - X MIPA 3
thank you ma'am for the material, this is very helpful🙏
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapus-Fadel Dwi Adrian X-MIPA 3
Thank you for the material maam
BalasHapusAisyah muthmainnah X MIPA 3
Thank you for the material ma'am 🙏
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusThank you for the material maam
BalasHapusDepi Anjani X MIPA 8
thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapus—Dwi Maulidya X MIPA 7
Thank you for the material Ma'am, with the material on this blog, it makes it easier for me to understand the material. Thank you and stay healthy Ma'am 😊🙏
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusSiti Zahra Maudina, X Science 4
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapuskhairunnisa ms , X mipa 3
Thank you for the material ma'am 🙏🏻
BalasHapus(Inaya Tabina X Social 3)
Thank you for the material ma'am🙏
BalasHapusThalya Sukmawati X-science 8
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapus-Bagas Julian Hadgani S.P. X Science 7
Thank you for the material ma'am🙏🏻
BalasHapusFandi Baskara X Mipa 6
Thank you for the material ma'am😊🙏🏻
BalasHapus-Azkia Miladia Gusman X Social 3
Thank you very much for the explanation Mrs. Rina Agustina, now I can distinguish between the past tense and the present perfect tense. The explanation is very interesting. 🙏🤩🎉
BalasHapus(Yudhis Febrian-X social 1)
Thank you for the material ma'am -dwi rafa Xsocial 3
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma'am, it really helped me
BalasHapusFebrina Putri X-MIPA 8
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapus(Siti Azmi-X_Mipa 7)
thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapus(Felisa Meida X social 3)
Mantap bu, sangat menarik dan tentunya bermanfaat. Semangat terus ibu👍
BalasHapusNabila Ramadhani RS - X SOCIAL 2
Thank you for the material Ma'am 🙏🏽
BalasHapus-Fathurrohman Ibrahim X MIPA 7
Thank you for the material ma'am 🙏🏻
BalasHapusZazkya Khansa Salsabila
X Science 5
Thank you for the material ma'am 🙏🏻
BalasHapusNafidz Alfarisi X MIPA 5 (26)
thank you for the material ma'am 🙏
BalasHapusFitria naila salsabila - X Science 5
Thank you for the material ma'am 🙏
BalasHapusNadila Ferdinia
Thank you ma'am
BalasHapusNazwa aulia santana X IPS 2
thanks for the material ma'am 🙏
BalasHapusNayla Zalfa X social 3
thank you for the material ma'am 🙏🏻
BalasHapusValda Saphira Faulika
X Science 4
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusTrya Gustiani X MIPA7
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusRegita Elfira Cahyani X MIPA 2
Thank you for the material ma'am🙏
BalasHapusKarina Anggia D. (15)
X Science 6
thank you for the material ma’am 🙏
BalasHapusMuhamad Fahmi
Thank you ma'am for the material
BalasHapusThanks ma'am for give that material 🙏
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusFauzi lukman nurhakim x mipa 5
BalasHapusThanks ma'am for the material
thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusClarisa Angelina Pakpahan
X Science 3
thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapuszahwa nur Sabila
X mipa 5
thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusRakha Fraya_X Social 1
thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusAzmii Syafarina Permana
X social 2
Thank you for the material ma'am Aldy Panca Maulana (X Science 7)
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma'am🙏🏻
BalasHapusReyna khoirunnisa x mipa 7
thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusReva safarina A
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusZuhdi Baihaqi X Science 2
Thank you for the material, ma'am🙏🏻
BalasHapusthanks for the information ma'am🤗
BalasHapusMuhammad Naufal Firdaus X Mipa 8
Thanks the for material ma'am
thank you for the material, ma'am🙏
BalasHapuschelsea x social 1
thanks for the material maam
BalasHapusthank you for the material ma'am 🙏🏻
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma'am 🙏
BalasHapusAufa Lufi Akifah_X Science 6
Thank you for the material maam
BalasHapus-cahaya Nafisah x mipa 8
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapus-Gusti Mujiba Ahsana X MIPA 3-
Thank you for the material mam
BalasHapusZalfa Octavia Ramadhani x science 6
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusMuhammad Ali Akbar X MIPA4
Najua Jahra X MIPA 5
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma'am 🙏🏻
Pani julianti X MIPA 5
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma'am🙏
Thank you for the material ma'an
BalasHapusAliyya Nurul Shaumi X Mipa-6
Thank you for the material ma'am 🙏
BalasHapus(M. Briliant IP X Science 5)
thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapus(Syara Nurdina X-MIPA7)
Thank you for the material ma'am, it's really helpful and easy to understand, i can understand the differences between past tense and the present perfect tense now
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma’am
BalasHapusDicky Syam X Science 3
Thank you for the material ma'am🙏🏻
BalasHapusPutri Rizky X mipa 7
Thank you for the material ma'am🙏🏻🥰
BalasHapusJihan Fila Shafa X MIPA 2
Thank you for the material ma'am🙏
BalasHapusAzhar Fardiana X MIPA 8
thank you ma'am for the material, this is very helpfull.
BalasHapus-Siti Sarah T X SOCIAL 2
Thank you ma’am for the material
BalasHapusNatasya.Tertia.M (X-Mipa 7)
thank you for the matterial maam
BalasHapusZia X SCIENCE 2
thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusNabil Prasetio X MIPA 2
Than you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusReilo Milad Alhud X MIPA 7
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusMuhammad Dhafin X Science 2
Thank u for the material mam🙏
BalasHapusAzka H X MIPA 5
Thankyou ma'am
BalasHapusGirant ahd X mipa 8
Thank you for the material ma'am🙏🏻
BalasHapusSyazwa N X MIPA 3
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma'am🙏🏻
BalasHapusDesy kustiani x ips 1
Thank you for the material ma'am.
BalasHapusMuhammad Nur Malik Mulki
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusMaliki Albany X Science 6
Thankyou maam for the material
BalasHapusAllura X Mipa 5
Thank you for the material ma'am😇
BalasHapus(Tabina Nika Vania X Science Two)
Thank you for the explanation, Mrs. Rina!
BalasHapus- Yuni Khoerunnisa from X Science 4
Thank you for the material Mrs🙏🏻 -Marssella X science 3
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusFadya Hilwi (X Science 4)
thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapus- nayla amalia ( x science 7 )
Thank you for the material ma’am 🙏🏻 Kinan x mipa 6
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma'am🙏🏻
BalasHapus-Neng Zena Suryani X Science 3
thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusbelen ramadhan X MIPA 7
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusRahma Pradyia D X MIPA 8
Thank you for the material ma'am 🙏🏻
BalasHapusReavani Maheswari X MIPA-1
thank you for the material ma'am hopefully it will be useful for many people
BalasHapus( Muhammad Gumilang Yusamsi X Social 3 )
Thank you for the material ma’am 🙏🏻
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma'am🙏
BalasHapusSyahdan M.S X sience 3
Thank you for the material Ma'am 🙏
BalasHapus(Hani Siti Hudaifah X Science 3)
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusThis blog really helped me to understand more about the past tense and past perfect tense. Thank you ma'am.😊🙏
BalasHapusWOW! Dengan membaca materi ini wawasan saya bertambah. Thank you for the material ma'am ☆﹏☆
BalasHapus- Arsyani x soc 3
Thank you for the material ma'am!!
BalasHapusGandia X Social 2
Thanks for the material ma'am!
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma’am🙏🏻
BalasHapusZulfa Ziana Azahra X SCIENCE 7
Thankyou for the material ma'am ( ✧Д✧)
BalasHapus- suroya x sciences 4
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusKayla Auralia P X MIPA 3
Thank you for the material, ma'am 🙏🏿
BalasHapus-Izmayuki H.R (X MIPA 3)
Thank you for the material ma'am🙏🏻
BalasHapusNaflah Cayadewi X Science 5
Thank you for the material ma'am..
BalasHapusNaza X science 3
Ramanda Driamatoga Gultom_Gultom_X IPS 3
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusSiti Aishah_X Science 3
Thank you for the material ma'am - almas thifal X mipa 4
BalasHapusthankyou for the material ma'am
BalasHapusAtmini X mipa 8
Thank you for the material ma'am 🙏🏻
BalasHapusKayla Khalishah-X science 3
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusRehan Farid X Mipa 7
Thank you maam for the material
BalasHapusThank you ma'am for the material
BalasHapusDimas putra P
Thank you for the material ma'am🙏🏻
BalasHapusNajelia Amiera B.S
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusNanda Azzahra X science 3
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapus-Chika anggriani Lestari. Br. Manalu-
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapus-Adline X MIPA 8 -
Thank you for the material ma'am - Ismena X MIPA 8
BalasHapusthank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusmia meylani-x mipa 3
BalasHapusthanks for the material ma'am
ananda mipa 5
Thank you for the material ma'am. This is very helpful!🙏🏻
BalasHapus— Hana Nur Adhimi (X Science 3)
thank you ma'am
BalasHapusThank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapusBulan Sri Andini X MIPA 7
Thank you for the material ma’am
BalasHapusNuri Elvina X SCIENCE 7
Thank you for the material ma'am
BalasHapus( Zulfa Azzahra X social 3 )